Friday, September 25, 2015

Changes and Adapting

First and foremost, I'm a "routine" guy. I like my daily schedule and how I get thru the day. I will say that these routines will actually have you missing out on fun too. Let me explain....

The weekends come and go so fast, and having my kids every other weekend, I make my plans accordingly. If you truly want to spend time with someone or just enjoy your time a little more, you have to make an effort to get out during the week. I've tried several ways to get thru the week, like living for the weekend. When you do that, you wake up one day and realize it's almost October. When you look back, what do you have to show for it but memories of work and sleep. I've lived that way most of this year and I'm really not happy with the results. 

Once I really thought about it, I've been slowing things down and tried enjoying each day. Time as seemed to slow. The reason I bring this up is because just like a routine, being comfortable with your every day life can come back to haunt you. 

In my line of work, there is a lot of change over. People leave cause they can't handle the stress and pressure. We also have a lot of new projects so people get moved around. I'm on my third boss this year and I've also been promoted so things are changing a lot. Im so happy that I am able to adapt and thrive with changes. It makes each day thrilling and you are always getting to prove yourself. I think having a career that constantly challenges you is the only way to work. I have found my true calling a and can't wait for whatever changes are ahead. 

I hope whoever reads this can be inspired to break out of the ruts and routines. Make yourself uncomfortable and see where it leads you. You may like the results. 


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Why I do what I do

These are my girls. Emily just turned 10 yesterday. It's crazy to think about how time flies. It seems like yesterday I was teaching her to ride a bike. Now, she's growing up and likes to listen to music and plays soccer. I am a proud dad for sure. She has turned into quite a girl. She does an amazing job taking care of her lil sister, Keaghan. 

Being a single dad is tough. Trying to do what's right and help moms the kids with only a few days at a time. I don't know if I'm doing it right, but I'm trying either way. I'm just happy I can provide for them and make sure they always know that their dad is here and always will be. As much as I hate seeing them grow up, I'm excited to watch them learn and become amazing young ladies

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Why I Write

Every once in awhile, I get asked why I write blogs. I mean, I don't know who reads these things, or if I entertain anyone. I guess I have a busy mind and not enough people to share it with. I like to think a lot, well reflect really, about daily life and the ups and downs that go with it all. I Try and stay positive thru it all, but it gets tough sometimes. 

I never thought I'd be 37 and single. It wasn't in my life plan, but who can really map out their life. I sure as hell wouldn't be able to predict I'd be here. The funny part is that each experience, weather good or bad, has shaped me and turned me into the man I am. No one would blame me for being protective and shut off to others, but that's not me. I believe in being open. I can take being hurt and disappointed, it's just part of life. I can only hope that being genuine and honest with people will show that I'm a good man, and have the best of intentions. 

Why say all this? I really don't know. I guess maybe someone will find this and maybe give them insight into who I am. I have nothing to hide, nor do I care what people think. I'll be damned if I'm gonna live my life to please others. I'm gonna live my life to please me. I'm gonna take chances, put myself in exciting and challenging situations. Why dream about all these things when you can live them. This goes for everyone else. If there's something you wanna do. Why wait? Go do it and live your life to the fullest