Friday, August 10, 2012

Molly is Back!!

I realized that I hadn't kept up with my writing on here for quite sometime. Maybe the newness of writing kinda wore off, or the fact that I don't have many followers or people reading these. Either way, I just put it on the back burner. With so many things going on these days, it felt like the right time to start writing again.

My friend Gary, who served with me in the Marines, started his blog yesterday. I had to go read it cause he was one of the most interesting guys I know. There is not one thing that he won't accomplish if he puts his mind to it. I thought it was funny that I actually know someone who go thru P90x, and I saw some awesome results. It drives me to finish my own program as well. Anyways, I started reading his first post, and I saw that his brother was wounded while serving in Afghanistan. It immediately saddened me to find this out. I sometimes forget how many of my brothers are still over there fighting to try and defeat all these terrorists. I've never met Gary's brother, but if he is anything like Gary, he will come back stronger than ever.

We also had a family member returned to us yesterday. Molly, our first family pet was given back to us. Just to fill you in, She weighed 42 lbs when I gave her to a coworker of mine. Over the course of 7 months, she dropped all the way down to 27lbs. For the life of me, I cannot understand how someone could let that happen. But Molly being who she is, fought thru it and is going to be just fine. I was so happy to go get her yesterday, but also saddened at the sight of her. She has lost so much muscle and weight. Her spirit and fight are second to none, and she is already acting like her old self. Now we just have to be smart and slowly put the weight back on.

Now that I spent the last 2 posts filling everyone in on what is happening, I'm going to start putting more of a spin on what I am writing, and hopefully add some comedy to it as well. Why not, life is too short to not smile.


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