Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gun Talk

Now being lucky enough to be born and bred in Texas, we have some liberties that I love. Being able to obtain a concealed handgun license is a great plus in my opinion. I first got my license when I turned 21, and my pistol of choice was a Glock, which my dad bought me. I kept it for awhile, but it was so big, I couldn't really conceal it. The only thing I did was keep it in my truck. I got out of the Marines and decided to take the course again. This is where things get funny.

I have had probably 7 different models of pistols since I first started messing around with them. I have had revolvers and everything else in many different calibers. When I got out of the Marines, I decided to get a new one. Now, I have been to the Glock armorer's course, and several Glock schools on shooting and it's capabilities. I guess I was just over all the Glock hype. I decided to get a Springfield Armory XD 9mm, with a 4" barrel. For some reason, the design of the pistol resembles the Glock, but it just felt so much better in my hand. The only thing I didn't care for was the trigger. It seemed like it was a little long and the follow-up shot was long too. I went online and ordered a trigger kit, and some other parts. I went into my inner-gunsmith zone and machined the trigger bar with a dremel tool, and outfitted my new trigger.

My work was a success. The pistol shot better, and quickly became my favorite range pistol. I was probably shooting around 1500 rounds a week and was deadly accurate. I signed up for my concealed handgun course, and had this lazy overweight instructor teach my course. He asked me what I was carrying, and I told him. He quickly said, "I'm sorry, my glock would shoot circles around that thing." My response was a little rude, but necessary. I told him, "Unfortunately for you, the pistol won't shoot itself, so you may think your Glock is great, but I promise you I would pump an entire mag in your chest before you can unholster that thing." I probably could have taken the higher road, but I get sick of these guys that think their brand pistol is better than all the others. If that was the case, all the other gun company's would be out of business.

Several months later, I bought and sold a couple of other pistols, and actually quit carrying one for a year or so. Other financial things came first, but with the growing violence in this world, it was time to carry one again. I couldn't think of anything greater than ordering another Springfield XD. I got pretty much the same pistol, except a two tone version. I was going to get the new XDm, but decided to go with my old version simply because I don't want the extra expense right now. I'm sure over the next few months, I will redo the trigger and make it more of my own. As of right now though, I can't wait to get out on the range and pump some rounds down range. And for any criminal that wants to try and attack me or my family, you better keep an eye out, cause I will be lurking in the shadows ready to turn your day upside down. Semper Fi!!!!!


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